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Наталия Шелепова Знаток (355), на голосовании 9 лет назад
Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns.

1. Be careful - don't cut -----with that knife.
2. We didn't enjoy -----It was very cold.
3. Tell everyone to help -----to food.
4. The light turns -----off after a few minutes.
5. She looked at -----in the mirror.
6. Tom's five now, so he can dress -----in the morning.
7. There was nobody to help me so I repaired it by -----
8. I'm sure Carly can find the answer by -----
9. If you help -----you finish faster.
10Graham and Sue email -----every day.
Дополнен 9 лет назад
Reflexive pronouns; each other
Голосование за лучший ответ
Argento Гуру (4775) 9 лет назад
1. Be careful - don't cut your throat with that knife.
2. We didn't enjoy corpse. It was very cold.
3. Tell everyone to help cannibal to food.
4. The light turns fuck off after a few minutes.
5. She looked at ugly creature in the mirror.
6. Tom's five now, so he can dress like a girl in the morning.
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