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Английский. Indefinite pronouns

Наталия Шелепова Знаток (355), на голосовании 9 лет назад
Then choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Wrong: Sally, I have anyone here to meet you.
Correct: Sally, I have someone/everyone here to meet you.
2. Wrong: Look, these insects are anywhere, all over the kitchen.
Correct: Look, these insects are nowhere/everyhere, all over the kitchen.
3. Wrong: Is there everything to drink in the fridge?
Is there nothing/ \anything to drink in the fridge?
4. Wrong: I am sure anybody is in the back garden. Go and have a look.
Correct: I am sure everybody/nobody is in the back garden. Go and have a look.
5. Wrong: We can't find the DVD nowhere.
Correct: We can't find the DVD anywhere/somewhere
6. Wrong: His talk was very good and someone in the room was interested.
Correct: His talk was very good and anyone/everyone in the room was interested.
7. Wrong: There was anything cheap in that shop so we went to the supermarket to buy the clothes.
Correct: There was everything/nothing cheap in that shop so we went to the supermarket to buy the clothes.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Rommel Мудрец (11259) 9 лет назад
Задание легчайшее. Попробуйте сами, взваливая все на других, языком вы не овладеете.
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