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Veronika Знаток (372), закрыт 15 лет назад
1- Last night I stayed at home with my two brothers.

2- The Zoo ? No. I went to the beach with my friends yesterday.

3- My parents flew to Mexico for their summer holyday las year.

4- No, I didn't go with them.
5- I stayed with my mother in Aveiro for a month.
Лучший ответ
Наталия Тимофеева Мастер (1417) 15 лет назад
Where did I stay last night with my 2 brithers?
Did you go to the Zoo with your friends yesterday?
Who flew to Mexico for summer hilydays last year?
Did you go with them?
With whom did you stay in Aveiro for a month.
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Остальные ответы
Лариса Гуру (4377) 15 лет назад
What did you do last night?
Did you go to the Zoo yesterday?
Where did your parents fly to for the last summer holiday?
Did you go with them?
For how long did you stay with your mother?
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