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Помогите перевести с русского на английский

Марк Знаток (410), закрыт 8 лет назад
Он включил меня в список экскурсантов без лишних разгово­ров. 2. Она уговорила меня ехать, сказав, что она присоединится ко мне через неделю. 3. Тем, что ты будешь надоедать ему, ты толь­ко рассердишь его еще больше. 4. Она уладила этот вопрос, не под­нимая лишнего шума. 5. Проснувшись, я не сразу понял, где нахо­жусь. 6. Проходя мимо их дома, он решил зайти. 7. После окончания школы она стала работать секретарем. 8. Не вдаваясь в подробности, он сразу перешел к существу дела. 9. Упаковывая вещи, он вдруг вспомнил, что совершенно машинально (не думая) вместе с докумен­тами упаковал и билет. 10. Мы чувствовали себя бодро, несмотря на то, что были очень голодные. 11. Перед тем как лечь спать, он решил написать письмо домой.
Лучший ответ
(Like) Linus Гуру (4800) 8 лет назад
выше - гугл.

1. He put me on the sightseer list without wasting words.
2. She got me to go telling me she'd join me a week later
3. You'll only make him even angrier by bothering him
4. She settled the question without a fuss
5. After I woke up I didn't realize at once where I was
6. Passing by their house he decided to come in
7. After her graduation from school she started working as a secretary
8. Without going into details he got down to business
9. When packing he suddenly realized he had automatically packed the ticket with his documents
10. We felt cheerful in spite of being very hungry
11. Before going to bed he decided to write a letter home.
Остальные ответы
Константин Крамарев Ученик (180) 8 лет назад
He included me in the list of excursionists without further ADO. 2. She persuaded me to go, saying that she will join me in a week. 3. What are you gonna bother him, you're only angering him more. 4. It settled the question without raising too much noise. 5. Waking up, I immediately realized where I was. 6. Passing by their house, he decided to go. 7. After finishing school she began working as a Secretary. 8. Without going into details, he immediately proceeded to the merits of the case. 9. Packaging things, he suddenly remembered that completely automatically (without thinking) together with the documents Packed and ticket. 10. We felt cheerful, despite being very hungry. 11. Before you go to bed, he decided to write a letter home.
StarnightМыслитель (7223) 8 лет назад
Ну гугл во всей красе )
Прочтите оригинал 5-го предложения и "свой" перевод - смысл противоположный.
А в 11-м о ком речь? О вас, о тебе или о нём?
StarnightМыслитель (7223) 8 лет назад
Скажем так, не ручаюсь за выполнение поставленного требования, но написал бы так:
1. He put me on the list of travellers without too much talking. 2. He talked me into going by promising to join me in a week. 3. By bothering him you are just going to annoy him still more. 4. She tackled the issue without raising too much noise. 5. When I woke up I didn't quite have an idea where I was. 6. While passing along their house he decided to pay a visit. 7. After finishing school she went for a secretary position. 8. Without going into detail he got straight to the point. 9. While he as packing the luggage it suddenly came to his mind that he had unintentionally packed the ticket togethwe with the documents. 10. We felt cheerful inspide of being quite hungry.
Starnight Мыслитель (7223) 8 лет назад
11. Prior to going to bed he thought he'd write a letter to home.
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