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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме

edik Rudei Ученик (219), на голосовании 7 лет назад
Use the correct verb tense in the following sentences (Present Simple, Past Simple Present Continuous,Past Continuous)
1) What you (to do )here? -I (to write) a letter to my friend. 2)Your grandmother (to sleep)when you (to come home yesterday? 3)When she (to open) the door, a man (to stand) on the doorstep.It (to be )
her uncle, but she (not to recognize) him because he (to wear) dark glasses.4)I (not to sleep) the whole night yesterday.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Roberto Reeves Ученик (156) 7 лет назад
Нет запятых.
edik RudeiУченик (219) 7 лет назад
как есть
Roberto Reeves Ученик (156) Нету
Антон Сычев Гуру (3969) 7 лет назад
1)What are you doing here? -I am writing a letter to my friend.
2)Was your grandmother sleeping when you came home yesterday?
3)When she opened the door, a man was standing on the doorstep. It was her uncle, but she did not recognize him because he was wearing dark glasses.
4)I did not sleep the whole night yesterday.
edik RudeiУченик (219) 7 лет назад
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