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Lady Diana Знаток (283), закрыт 5 лет назад
Проект по английскому на тему "My primary scnool"
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Эд Просветленный (20713) 5 лет назад
My Primary School

Primary school is an important stage of our education. It is compulsory, which means that all children from age sixe to ten must attend it.

At my primary school I learnt to do sums, read and write. I had such subjects as Maths, Russian Language and Literature, English, PE and Music. I did not have Biology or Chemistry. Most subjects were taught by the same teacher and we had most lessons in our classroom. We did not have to do a lot of homework and we had a lot of free time. We had a lot of parties and educational trips.

I liked my primary school very much and I'll always have warm memories of that time.
Lady DianaЗнаток (283) 5 лет назад
Учебник 4 класса стр. 62, номер 2
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иван петров Знаток (281) 5 лет назад
My primary scHool
Lady DianaЗнаток (283) 5 лет назад
Это тема!!!
Lady DianaЗнаток (283) 5 лет назад
Nadejda Blagodarnaya Искусственный Интеллект (475824) 5 лет назад
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