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Complete the sentences with the words from the box. One word will be used twice.

Софья Профи (734), закрыт 1 год назад
Complete the sentences with the words from the box. One word will be used twice.
Who whom whose who’s When where why which
1. Alex, do you know ____________ dog it is?
2. The reason ____________ Jane didn’t come was that she was ill.
3. Where is the man ____________ took this photo?
4. The shop ____________ has been robbed a few times was finally closed.
5. Do you remember the year ____________ WW2 began?
6. Is that the man ____________ going to take part in the marathon?
7. Sometimes students are late for class, ____________ is completely unacceptable.
8. This can’t be the cafe ____________ my uncle dines.
9. Julie’s the gardener by ____________ trees and bushes will be planted.
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (349253) 1 год назад
Who whom whose who’s When where why which
1. Alex, do you know whose dog it is?
2. The reason why Jane didn’t come was that she was ill.
3. Where is the man who took this photo?
4. The shop which has been robbed a few times was finally closed.
5. Do you remember the year when WW2 began?
6. Is that the man who's going to take part in the marathon?
7. Sometimes students are late for class, which is completely unacceptable.
8. This can’t be the cafe where my uncle dines.
9. Julie’s the gardener by whom trees and bushes will be planted.
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