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Кирилл Июльский Знаток (251), на голосовании 1 год назад
Fill in the gaps with was, wasn't, were, weren't Заполните пропуски в тексте: It _____ a beautiful day. A little pony _____ in the forest. Her name _____ Lucky. The weather _____ great. It _____ cold. It _____ rainy. It _____ sunny and warm. The sky _____ blue. The trees _____ green. There _____ a lot of birds in the forest. There _____ fantastic flowers. They _____ pink, red and yellow. It _____ her favourite season. It _____ summer. She _____ very happy. СРОЧНО ДАЙТЕ ОТВЕТ
Голосование за лучший ответ
Evglena Мудрец (14153) 1 год назад
Was, was, was, was, wasn't, wasn't, was, was, were, was, were, were, was, was, was
Шувалова Н.Н. Ученик (220) 1 год назад
It was a beautiful day.
A little pony was in the forest.
Her name was Lucky.
The weather was great.
It wasn't cold.
It wasn't rainy.
It was sunny and warm.
The sky was blue.
The trees were green.
There were a lot of birds in the forest.
There were fantastic flowers.
They were pink, red and yellow.
It was her favourite season.
It was summer.
She was very happy.
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