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Помогите пожалуйста с домашкой по английскому..... Нужно написать, правда или ложь и исправить ложь...

/ / Ученик (38), на голосовании 1 год назад
Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. Alexander writes in his diary a list of all activities, entertainments and hobbies
practised by people in their free time.
2. Alexander has no hobby and wants to select one.
3. He meets with his friend to discuss this problem.
4. Hobbies give people a sense of excitement and expectation.
5. Today people spend a lot of time watching different informative, educational or
environment programmes.
6. Women prefer aerobics, shopping and cooking.
7. A hobby is an active pastime like sports or training
8. In order to relax most people prefer a calm way of
spending their free time.
9. Animals can also be a hobby.
10. People prefer ready-made things to hand-made
Голосование за лучший ответ
khh gftdrtjtj Ученик (237) 1 год назад
  1. True
  2. False - Alexander wants to have a hobby but doesn't know what to choose.
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True
  6. False - Women have a variety of hobbies and interests, and not all women prefer aerobics, shopping, and cooking.
  7. False - A hobby can be an active or passive pastime, such as reading or painting.
  8. False - People have different ways of relaxing and spending their free time.
  9. True
  10. False - Many people enjoy making things by hand and appreciate the personal touch that handmade items provide.
/ /Ученик (38) 1 год назад
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