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. Ученик (189), закрыт 1 год назад
Task 1 (10 points).

Complete the sentences with the words from the list: pyjamas, slippers, a fur coat, a cap, an apron.

I wear ____________________________ when I am at home.
I wear ____________________________ in winter when it's really cold.
I wear ____________________________ on my feet when I am at home.
I wear ____________________________ when I cook.
I wear ____________________________ on my head.Task 2 (18 points).

Write adjectives using negative prefixes. Make up 5 sentences with any of them.

Not perfect — ____________________________
Not formal — ____________________________
Not mature — ____________________________
Not able — ______________________________
Not happy — ____________________________
Not legal — ______________________________
Not patient — ____________________________
Not convenient — _________________________


Task 3 (14 points).

Fill in the gaps with too/enough and the words in brackets.

Does your father have ___________ (time) to help you with your homework?
My sister can’t ride a bike. She is ____________ (little).
The radio is ______________ (loud). It's terrible.
Alex doesn’t have _________ (knowledge) to finish the report.
Jim is ________________ (clever) for them.
Anna can’t drink this tea. It’s _____________ (hot).
Barbara didn’t ______________ (sleep).

Task 4 (10 points).

Rewrite the sentences using the structure have something done.

I decorated my house. ____________________________________________
I made breakfast. ________________________________________________
I finished the essay. ______________________________________________
I delivered the box. ______________________________________________
I fixed the sink. __________________________________________________

Task 5 (12 points).

Write three nouns, which could follow each of the verbs.

Example: 0. put in money / a comment / a telephone system

put up with _______________________________________________
put out __________________________________________________
put away _________________________________________________
put forward _______________________________________________
put on ___________________________________________________
put off ___________________________________________________

Task 6 (15 points).

Rewrite the following sentences in the passive form.

Steve is wasting my time! ________________________________________________
Emily can do the sums easily. _____________________________________________
Sandra should have told Sam about the accident. ______________________________
The teacher explained the topic to the students. _______________________________
Dave's parents won’t let him take part in the competition. _______________________
Лучший ответ
Маргарита Просветленный (23148) 1 год назад
I wear pajamas when I am at home.
I wear a fur coat in winter when it's really cold.
I wear slippers on my feet when I am at home.
I wear an apron when I cook.
I wear a cap on my head.
Not perfect — imperfect
Not formal — informal
Not mature — immature
Not able — unable
Not happy — unhappy
Not legal — illegal
Not patient — impatient
Not convenient — inconvenient

The company decided to sell the new product, even though it was still imperfect.
The young and immature bird was unable to fly.
Because of illness, he was unable to attend the event.
Their business was closed because of the illegal operations.
The impatient customer caused a scene at the check-out.
Does your father have enough time to help you with your homework?
My sister can’t ride a bike. She is too little.
The radio is too loud. It's terrible.
Alex doesn’t have enough knowledge to finish the report.
Jim is too clever for them.
Anna can’t drink this tea. It’s too hot.
Barbara didn’t sleep enough.
I had my house decorated.
I had breakfast made.
I had the essay finished.
I had the box delivered.
I had the sink fixed.
put up with - noise / pain / husband
put out - a fire / an announcement / a new product
put away - phone/ dishes/ toys
put forward - a proposal / a theory / a candidate
put on - a coat / a show / weight
put off - a meeting / a payment / a decision
My time is being wasted by Steve!
The sums can be done easily by Emily.
Sam should have been told about the accident by Sandra.
The topic was explained to the students by the teacher.
Dave won't be allowed to take part in the competition by his parents.
Zhadenova ElenaУченик (188) 6 месяцев назад
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