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Милый Лисёночек Профи (644), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
Task 2 (10 points).

Complete each sentence with one word on the topic “Places in town”. The first letter is given.
  1. Mrs Green is a businesswoman. She stays at a h__________ when she travels.
  2. I read a lot. So I go to the l_______________ at least once a week.
  3. We don’t have a washing machine at home. But this isn’t a problem because there is a l________________ not far from my home where I can wash all my clothes.
  4. She is so slim! I see her running at the s_____________ every evening.
  5. You can go to the neighbouring town by bus. Just go to the bus s___________, buy a ticket and wait for your couch.
  6. I broke my glasses last week. Can you go to the o____________ and take my new glasses?
  7. Let’s stop at the g__________ station and get some petrol.
  8. There is a new play in the t___________. Let’s buy the tickets.
  9. Last week I saw an elephant in the z___________.
  10. We go out every week. We usually go to the r________________ for dinner.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Никита Быстрицкий Мастер (1285) 2 месяца назад
лондон из зе кэпитал оф грейт британ
Милый ЛисёночекПрофи (644) 2 месяца назад
ну и что это?!?!??
Никита Быстрицкий Мастер (1285) Милый Лисёночек, ответы
Киригири Кёко Мастер (1194) 2 месяца назад
  1. р
  2. е
  3. ш
  4. а
  5. й
  6. с
  7. а
  8. м
  9. а
  10. а
Киригири КёкоМастер (1194) 2 месяца назад
Милый Лисёночек Профи (644) Киригири Кёко, эаэаэаээаэаээаэаэа хитражопая какая
Кривозубов АбдулПрофи (903) 2 месяца назад
  1. Hotel
  2. library
  3. laundry
  4. stadium
  5. stop
  6. gas
  7. oculist
  8. theatre
  9. zoo
  10. restaurant
Кривозубов Абдул Профи (903) Ой не сюда
Владислав СтрекаловУченик (150) 1 месяц назад
Анна Воскобойникова(Иванова) Ученик (174) 1 месяц назад
Mrs Green is a businesswoman. She stays at a hotel when she travels.
I read a lot. So I go to the library at least once a week.
We don’t have a washing machine at home. But this isn’t a problem because there is a laundrette not far from my home where I can wash all my clothes.
She is so slim! I see her running at the stadium every evening.
You can go to the neighbouring town by bus. Just go to the bus station, buy a ticket and wait for your couch.
I broke my glasses last week. Can you go to the opsition and take my new glasses?
Let’s stop at the gas station and get some petrol.
There is a new play in the theatre. Let’s buy the tickets.
Last week I saw an elephant in the zoo.
We go out every week. We usually go to the restaraunt for dinner.

У меня 5
Илья Елагинъ Мастер (1579) 1 месяц назад
Давай в телеграмме я тебе скину мою группу с ГДЗ... Мой ник ( ) напиши мне. Я хочу собрать людей и вместе помогать друг другу в 4 четверти!
Милый ЛисёночекПрофи (644) 1 месяц назад
привет, но у меня нету телеграма
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