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Какая была балашиха 100 лет назад

вк вк Ученик (127), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
Какая была балашиха 100 лет назад? написать по английски 90 слов
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Mine Game Профи (609) 2 месяца назад
One hundred years ago, Balashikha was a small town located near Moscow, Russia. The town was primarily agrarian, with a focus on farming and agriculture. Its population was much smaller compared to today, and the architecture reflected a simpler time. The majority of the inhabitants lived in wooden houses, and the town center consisted of a few shops and community buildings. The surrounding area was largely rural, with vast fields and forests. Balashikha at that time exuded a peaceful and traditional atmosphere, a far cry from the bustling suburb it has become today.
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