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Страдательный залог в английском языке

Антон Круглов Ученик (97), на голосовании 2 недели назад
Change from the active into the passive. Omit the agent when appropriate.
1. The Belgians make the best chocolate.
2 You should take these tablets before meals.
3 When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled (отменили) the game.
4 The teacher sent him out of the classroom.
5 Thousands of British tourists will visit Spain this summer.
7 Someone has made a complaint.
8 Somebody was cleaning the room when I arrived.
9 City workers are repairing the street lights.
10 You must wash coloured clothes separately.
11 The waitress serves breakfast at 7 am.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Марат Кунижев Знаток (365) 1 месяц назад
2. These tablets should be taken before meals.
3. Coloured clothes must be washed separately.
4. He was sent out of the classroom by the teacher.
5. This summer Spain will be visited by thousands of British tourists.
6. My rotten tooth was pulled out by the dentist.
7. He is being questioned now by the police.
8. A complaint has been made by someone.
9. The lights had been left on.
10. My arm was broken when I fell out of a tree.
11. The cat was being slowly poisoned by the horrible old man.
12. The mountains will have been covered with the snow by Christmas.
13. Breakfast is served at 7 a.m.
14. Who was the parcel delivered by?
15. She was made to clean her room by her parents.
16. The work will have been finished by tonight.
17. She had been warned that she might lose her job.
18. Who was America discovered by?
19. Who is your dog going to be fed by?
20. Who was the phone answered by?
21. Who was the prize given to?
22. Which building is going to be knocked down?
konbanwa Искусственный Интеллект (179243) 1 месяц назад
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