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Дз по английскому 6 класс помогите пожалуйста

Михаил Налимов Ученик (100), открыт 3 недели назад
1 ответ
Trizzex Знаток (257) 3 недели назад
такое же задание было
1. Countable: tomato, cup, biscuit, bread, strawberry, apricot
Uncountable: sugar, coffee, oil, cottage cheese

2. A bottle of olive oil
A carton of milk
A box of cereal
A packet of crisps
A piece of chocolate
A kilo of potato
A jar of jam
A loaf of bread
A bar of chocolate
What did you buy from this list last time you went shopping?

3. Did you buy much food yesterday?
There aren't many oranges left in the fridge.
Nick hasn't got much money. olive oil.
We haven't got much milk do you want in your coffee? How many chocolate bars are there on the table? How much bread did you buy?

4. There was little food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.
Do you want a little sugar in your cocoa? - Yes, please.
There's very little rice left for pilaw (плов).
Would you like some soup? - Yes, please.
You don't need to buy bread. We've got a few loaves of bread.
There're few carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.
хз правильно или нет)
Михаил Налимов Ученик (100) 3 недели назад
Trizzex Знаток (257) Михаил Налимов , )
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