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Английский язык 10 класс

Лера Князева Знаток (323), открыт 2 недели назад
Напишите отзыв о ресторане.
Read the rubric and answer the questions.
You work as a food critic for a magazine called Taste It. Your editor has asked you to write a report evaluating a new indoor area with restaurants and food stalls. Write your report, including information about the food, service, prices and atmosphere.
1 What is the aim of the report?
2 Who is going to read it?
3 Which of the following must you include in your report? Check with your partner.
a size of area
b date it opened
с quality/type of food
d number of staff
e comments on atmosphere
f prices
g location of indoor area/food hall
h opening hours
i type of furniture
4 What style of writing should you use?
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