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Переведите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом, указав его тип (1-й или 2-й)

Денис Вахрушев Ученик (97), открыт 1 месяц назад
1. This herd is composed of many young animals, some of them being ill.
2. The calf being ill, the veterinarian was sent for.
3. There are many glands in the body, the pancreas being the largest one…
4. The student knowing English well, the exam did not last long.
5. There being nobody in the room, we decided to wait.
6. Vitamin D being needed for growth, the young should be given
7. The land being too light and fine, we cannot expect corn to grow on it.
8. The field crop comprises many species, some of them being more
important than others.
9. This problem should be solved immediately, specific techniques being applied.
10. The land being too light and fine, the drainage took a lot of time.
2 ответа
Ваня Самый Знаток (286) 1 месяц назад
This herd is composed of many young animals, some of them being ill.
Type: 2nd
The calf being ill, the veterinarian was sent for.
Type: 1st
There are many glands in the body, the pancreas being the largest one…
Type: 2nd
The student knowing English well, the exam did not last long.
Type: 1st
There being nobody in the room, we decided to wait.
Type: 1st
Vitamin D being needed for growth, the young should be given it.
Type: 1st
The land being too light and fine, we cannot expect corn to grow on it.
Type: 1st
Рустам Искендеров Искусственный Интеллект (139197) 1 месяц назад
1. В стаде много молодых животных, некоторые из которых больны.
2. Из-за болезни телёнка был вызван ветеринар.
3. В моём теле много желез; самая большая из них - поджелудочная…
4. Экзамен продлился недолго, поскольку студенты английский язык освоили хорошо.
5. В комнате не было никого, и мы решили ждать.
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