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ПОМОГИТЕ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА Заполните пропуски – вставьте some-, any- или no- производные от них слова -body/-thing/-where.

СветаВелдяева Ученик (141), на голосовании 23 часа назад
1) He has ___ programs written for the computer.
2) Are there ___ interesting articles in this newspaper?
3) ___ student may come to the professor and ask questions after the class.
4) There aren’t ___ phenomena you are interested in.
5) Has he got ____ new computer games?
6) There are ____ personal computers in the office.
7) Are there ___ lectures on Friday?
8) There was ____ interesting in that paper. Read this one.
9) Did you find _____ interesting in this article?
10) I can tell you ____ interesting.
11) If the weather is bad we shall go ___ .
12) If the weather is good we shall go ______ .
13) Is there _____ in the room?
14) I can tell you ___ . Ask ___ else about it.
15) I couldn’t get this book ___ .
16) _____ knows this theory well.
17) Is ____ waiting for me?
18) Would you like to eat ____ ? – No, thank you. I don’t want ____ .
19) Did ____ miss the lecture yesterday? 20) Will you take _____ to read?
Голосование за лучший ответ
Joseph Гений (64735) 1 месяц назад
1) He has some programs written for the computer.
2) Are there any interesting articles in this newspaper?
3) Any student may come to the professor and ask questions after the class.
4) There aren’t any phenomena you are interested in.
5) Has he got any new computer games?
6) There are some personal computers in the office.
7) Are there any lectures on Friday?
8) There was something interesting in that paper. Read this one.
9) Did you find anything interesting in this article?
10) I can tell you something interesting.
11) If the weather is bad, we shall go nowhere.
12) If the weather is good, we shall go somewhere.
13) Is there anybody in the room?
14) I can tell you nothing. Ask somebody else about it.
15) I couldn’t get this book anywhere.
16) Nobody knows this theory well.
17) Is anybody waiting for me?
18) Would you like to eat anything? – No, thank you. I don’t want anything.
19) Did anybody miss the lecture yesterday?
20) Will you take anything to read?
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