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Что определяет каждый из этих форматов?

ФермаКактусов Высший разум (189412), закрыт 1 час назад
Лучший ответ
Олеся С@@@@@кова Высший разум (319025) 1 час назад
GL_V2F: Specifies a 2D vertex array with floating-point coordinates.
GL_V3F: Specifies a 3D vertex array with floating-point coordinates.
GL_C4UB_V2F: Specifies a 2D vertex array with color components (4 unsigned bytes) and floating-point coordinates.
GL_C4UB_V3F: Specifies a 3D vertex array with color components (4 unsigned bytes) and floating-point coordinates.
GL_C3F_V3F: Specifies a 3D vertex array with color components (3 floats) and floating-point coordinates.
GL_N3F_V3F: Specifies a 3D vertex array with normals (3 floats) and floating-point coordinates.
GL_C4F_N3F_V3F: Specifies a 3D vertex array with color components (4 floats), normals (3 floats), and floating-point coordinates.
GL_T2F_V3F: Specifies a 3D vertex array with texture coordinates (2 floats) and floating-point coordinates.
GL_T4F_V4F: Specifies a 4D vertex array with texture coordinates (4 floats) and floating-point coordinates.
GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F: Specifies a 3D vertex array with texture coordinates (2 floats), color components (4 unsigned bytes), and floating-point coordinates.
GL_T2F_C3F_V3F: Specifies a 3D vertex array with texture coordinates (2 floats), color components (3 floats), and floating-point coordinates.
GL_T2F_N3F_V3F: Specifies a 3D vertex array with texture coordinates (2 floats), normals (3 floats), and floating-point coordinates.
GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F: Specifies a 3D vertex array with texture coordinates (2 floats), color components (4 floats), normals (3 floats), and floating-point coordinates.
GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F: Specifies a 4D vertex array with texture coordinates (4 floats), color components (4 floats), normals (3 floats), and floating-point coordinates
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