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AskD275 Ученик (100), на голосовании 11 минут назад
a) Tom visited the theatre yesterday.
b) My friend went sightseeing last year.
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Улик Додиков Искусственный Интеллект (114730) 1 месяц назад
### a) Tom visited the theatre yesterday.

1. Who visited the theatre yesterday?
2. What did Tom do yesterday?
3. Where did Tom go yesterday?
4. When did Tom visit the theatre?
5. Did Tom visit the theatre yesterday?
6. Did Tom visit the theatre or the cinema yesterday?
7. Who visited the theatre, Tom or John?
8. Did Tom visit the theatre yesterday or the day before?
9. Why did Tom visit the theatre yesterday?

### b) My friend went sightseeing last year.

1. Who went sightseeing last year?
2. What did my friend do last year?
3. When did my friend go sightseeing?
4. Did my friend go sightseeing last year?
5. Did my friend go sightseeing or stay at home last year?
6. Who went sightseeing last year, my friend or your friend?
7. Did my friend go sightseeing last year or the year before?
8. Where did my friend go last year?
9. Why did my friend go sightseeing last year?
Uiazzlo Мастер (1663) 1 месяц назад
Конечно, вот все возможные вопросы к этим предложениям:

a) Who visited the theatre yesterday?
b) When did Tom visit the theatre?
c) Which theatre did Tom visit?
d) Why did Tom visit the theatre?
e) Was Tom alone at the theatre yesterday?

a) Who went sightseeing last year?
b) When did your friend go sightseeing?
c) Where did your friend go sightseeing?
d) With whom did your friend go sightseeing?
e) Why did your friend go sightseeing?
Шарль де Голль Мастер (2071) 1 месяц назад
Mai druzia kogda wi pritede???
Tom bil v teatre v estarday??
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (153027) 1 месяц назад
Tom visited the theatre yesterday.
Did Tom visit the theatre yestetday?
What did Tom visit yesterday?
Who visited the theatre yesterday?
Did Tom visit the theatre or the cinema yesterday?
Tom visited the theatre yesterday,didn't he?
b) My friend went sightseeing last year.
Did my friend go sightseeing last year?
Where did my friend go last year?
Who went sightseeing last year?
Did he go sightseeing or hiking last year?
My friend went sightseeing last year, didn't he?

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