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Вероника С. Ученик (171), открыт 1 месяц назад
Questions for the test
1) Numbers from 1 to 15
2) Name 3 outdoor sports and 3 indoor sports
3) Name uncountable food
4) Name countable food
5) Formula for Present Continuous
6) Formula for Present Simple
7) Words-helpers for Present Simple
8) Words-helpers for Present Continuous
9) 3 Moscow attractions
10) 3 UK attractions
11) What is the capital of Great Britain?
12) Name family members.
13) Read letters: h,k,l,p,i,e,r,g,j.
15) Formula for Past Simple
16) Name 5 kinds of shops.
2 ответа
Улик Додиков Искусственный Интеллект (114730) 1 месяц назад
1. Numbers from 1 to 15:
- One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen

2. Name 3 outdoor sports and 3 indoor sports:
- Outdoor sports: Football, Tennis, Cycling
- Indoor sports: Basketball, Badminton, Table Tennis

3. Name uncountable food:
- Rice, Bread, Milk, Water, Sugar

4. Name countable food:
- Apples, Oranges, Eggs, Sandwiches, Carrots

5. Formula for Present Continuous:
- Subject + am/is/are + verb-ing (e.g., I am running, She is eating, They are playing)

6. Formula for Present Simple:
- Subject + base verb (e.g., I eat, You play, He runs)

7. Words-helpers for Present Simple:
- Usually, always, often, sometimes, never

8. Words-helpers for Present Continuous:
- Now, at the moment, currently, right now

9. 3 Moscow attractions:
- The Kremlin, Red Square, Saint Basil's Cathedral

10. 3 UK attractions:
- The British Museum, The Tower of London, Buckingham Palace

11. What is the capital of Great Britain?
- London

12. Name family members:
- Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Grandmother, Grandfather, Uncle, Aunt, Cousin

13. Read letters: h, k, l, p, i, e, r, g, j:
- H (aitch), K (kay), L (el), P (pee), I (eye), E (ee), R (ar), G (gee), J (jay)

15. Formula for Past Simple:
- Subject + past verb (e.g., I walked, She ate, They played)

16. Name 5 kinds of shops:
- Grocery store, Clothing store, Bookstore, Pharmacy, Electronics store
Sahaprof Мыслитель (8215) 1 месяц назад
1) Numbers from 1 to 15: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.
2) Name 3 outdoor sports and 3 indoor sports: Outdoor: football, baseball, cycling. Indoor: basketball, table tennis, swimming.
3) Name uncountable food: rice, sugar, butter.
4) Name countable food: apples, eggs, loaves of bread.
5) Formula for Present Continuous: Subject + am/is/are + verb+ing
6) Formula for Present Simple: Subject + verb(s/es for third person singular).
7) Words-helpers for Present Simple: usually, often, sometimes, always, never, every day/week/year etc.
8) Words-helpers for Present Continuous: now, at present, at the moment, currently.
9) 3 Moscow attractions: the Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral.
10) 3 UK attractions: British Museum, London Eye, Stonehenge.
11) What is the capital of Great Britain? The capital of Great Britain is London.
12) Name family members: mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, grandparent.
13) Read letters: h,k,l,p,i,e,r,g,j.
15) Formula for Past Simple: Subject + verb in past form (verb+ed for regular verbs).
16) Name 5 kinds of shops: supermarket, bakery, clothing store, bookstore, pharmacy.
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