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Помогите пожалуйста, нужно глагол Can поставить в нужной форме.

- Ученик (80), открыт 1 месяц назад
1. ..... you (to call) a little later? I'm afraid I shall be busy till seven. 2. ..... it (to be) a joke? 3. You ..... (not to see) him at the meeting. He was ill. 4. ..... we (to cover) fifteen kilometres? The village is not yet seen. 5. He ..... (not to forget) your address; he has visited you several times. 6. If you let us know, we..... (to send) our car for you. 7. I should be very much obliged to you if you ..... (to lend) me your dictionary for a couple of days. 8. I don't believe her, she ..... (to fail) to recognize me. 9. He said he ..... (to manage) the task by himself.10. Why didn't you ask me? I ..... (to do) it for you. 11. I think you ..... (to do) it if you tried. 12. ..... this old woman (to be) Kate? She ..... not (to change) like that. 13. Somebody drew a pair of spectacles on the face of the portrait. "Who do you think ..... (to do) it?" 14. He was quite young. He ..... (not to be) much over twenty.
1 ответ
Sahaprof Мыслитель (8215) 1 месяц назад
Конечно, давайте заполним предложения глаголом "can" в нужной форме:

1. Can you call a little later? I'm afraid I shall be busy till seven.
2. Can it be a joke?
3. You could not have seen him at the meeting. He was ill.
4. Can we have covered fifteen kilometres? The village is not yet seen.
5. He cannot have forgotten your address; he has visited you several times.
6. If you let us know, we can send our car for you.
7. I should be very much obliged to you if you could lend me your dictionary for a couple of days.
8. I don't believe her, she cannot have failed to recognize me.
9. He said he could manage the task by himself.
10. Why didn't you ask me? I could have done it for you.
11. I think you could do it if you tried.
12. Can this old woman be Kate? She cannot have changed like that.
13. Somebody drew a pair of spectacles on the face of the portrait. "Who do you think could have done it?"
14. He was quite young. He cannot have been much over twenty.

Вот таким образом предложения будут заполнены.
-Ученик (80) 1 месяц назад
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