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Сделайте рассказ про девочку на примере предложений, в скобках определенное время, в котором нужно сделать предложения.

мила орлова Ученик (112), открыт 1 месяц назад
Yesterday was my day off (past simple)
I had just come back home from my country house when I met my friends (past perfect simple)
they were having some salmon barbecue and invited me to join them (past continuous, simple)
Today is a wonderful summer day ,I always enjoy summer days with such perfect weather (present simple)
Now I'm having one of my last lessons this studying year, because it's going to its end. ((Present continuous)
My lessons for the second and the third courses have already finished (present perfect)
My summer vacation will start from the first of July, and I will be enjoying it during two months (Future simple, continuous)
1 ответ
Анна Красивая Ученик (110) 1 месяц назад
Yesterday was my birthday.
I had just come back home from café when i met my family and friends.
They were playing games and invited me to play with them.
Today is a cold winter day, but I always enjoy these days with cold snowy weather.
Now I'm doing my homework because this is the last day before the holidays.
My ninth and tenth classes have already finished.
My summer vacation will start from the first of July and i will enjoying it during two months.
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