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Помогите с английским тема: семья

качан капусты Ученик (93), открыт 1 месяц назад
Complete each gap with a word for a family relationship.
1)My brother has a son. He is my ...
2) Tim married Rosie, who already had a daughter called Chloe from a previous marriage. Chloe is Tim's ...
3) Ana is married to Claudio. Claudio's father is Santiago. Santiago is Ana's ...
4) My aunt Emilia has two children, a boy and a girl. They are my ...
5) My husband has a sister called Julia. Julia is my ...
6) My uncle Tobias died last year. He was married to Surekha, who is now his ...
7)I've got two..., one brother and one sister.
8) Alberto's daughter has a daughter called Sofia. Sofia is Alberto's ...
2 ответа
454554 54545454 Гуру (2841) 1 месяц назад
Конечно, вот завершенные предложения с соответствующими словами для семейных отношений:

1) My brother has a son. He is my nephew.
2) Tim married Rosie, who already had a daughter called Chloe from a previous marriage. Chloe is Tim's stepdaughter.
3) Ana is married to Claudio. Claudio's father is Santiago. Santiago is Ana's father-in-law.
4) My aunt Emilia has two children, a boy and a girl. They are my cousins.
5) My husband has a sister called Julia. Julia is my sister-in-law.
6) My uncle Tobias died last year. He was married to Surekha, who is now his widow.
7) I've got two siblings, one brother and one sister.
8) Alberto's daughter has a daughter called Sofia. Sofia is Alberto's granddaughter.
Black Lagoon Ученик (242) 1 месяц назад
1) nephew
2) stepdaughter
3) father-in-law
4) cousins
5) sister-in-law
6) widow
7) siblings
8) granddaughter
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