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Анастасия Трофимова Ученик (90), на голосовании 2 месяца назад
Exercise 1. Complete the summary using the words and phrases from the text.
Samara State Technical University is a landmark university for Samara region. It (1)… in 1914 by the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and consisted of two (2)…: a commercial-economic and an agricultural one. In 2015 it (3)… with Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and in a year became one of the 11 (4)… of the country. Today, about 20,000 students (5)… here. The university offers a wide variety of (6)… and Master’s Degree Programmes. To be (7)… into the university applicants take Unified State Examinations. The university cooperates with industrial partners and provides (8)… engineering training for students. University scientists and students (9)… many important projects for our city and region. The labour market requires highly-qualified workers and engineers who (10)… from this university.

Exercise 3. Study the synonyms below. Replace all the uses of do and get in the sentences.
do a degree = study for a degree
do an exam = take an exam
do research = carry out research
do a project = carry out/develop a project
do an essay = write an essay
do a lecture = give a lecture
get a place = be admitted
get a qualification = obtain a qualification

1. My son did a degree in Economics at Cambridge University.
2. I want to get a social work qualification.
3. He is now doing some research on edible packaging.
4. Are you planning to do an essay?
5. Dr. Robertson is doing a lecture on industrial wastes today.
6. How long did it take you to do this project?
7. Submit your application if you want to get a place.
Mike is doing his final exams at the moment.
Голосование за лучший ответ
_Fire_of_Death_ Мыслитель (5347) 3 месяца назад
Exercise 1. Complete the summary using the words and phrases from the text.

Samara State Technical University is a landmark university for Samara region. It (1) was established in 1914 by the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and consisted of two (2) faculties: a commercial-economic and an agricultural one. In 2015 it (3) merged with Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and in a year became one of the 11 (4) flagship universities of the country. Today, about 20,000 students (5) study here. The university offers a wide variety of (6) Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes. To be (7) admitted into the university applicants take Unified State Examinations. The university cooperates with industrial partners and provides (8) practical engineering training for students. University scientists and students (9) carry out/develop many important projects for our city and region. The labour market requires highly-qualified workers and engineers who (10) graduate from this university.

Exercise 3. Study the synonyms below. Replace all the uses of do and get in the sentences.
  1. My son studied for a degree in Economics at Cambridge University.
  2. I want to obtain a social work qualification.
  3. He is now carrying out research on edible packaging.
  4. Are you planning to write an essay?
  5. Dr. Robertson is giving a lecture on industrial wastes today.
  6. How long did it take you to carry out/develop this project?
  7. Submit your application if you want to be admitted.
  8. Mike is taking his final exams at the moment.
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