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Ксения Пустовит Ученик (122), на голосовании 3 дня назад
Gregory is highly enthusiastic … completing the tests
Benedict Cumberbatch … a talented actor
Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1) It’s a bit cold in here, don’t you think? May I close the window?
2) I agree, let’s do it. I will open the door instead
3) What about turning on the conditioner instead of closing the door? In this case no one will hear us
4) Is this such a confidential meeting? Okay then
You were the first one … that question
I need you to let me … that!
It’s so late, our neighbors … make so much noise!

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “You can (to trust) … me, that’s for sure”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He should (to cut) … down on drinking so much sweetened tea”
Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Unless you want to be expelled, you have (to attend) … classes”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to give) … you my number, I thought you might call”

If you touch hot water, you … a bur
Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to close) … the door, our cat wouldn’t have run away”

Match the parts to make the sentences:

Unless you get an education, - you won’t find a good job
Unless you bake a cake, - we won’t be able to start a party
Unless you fix the TV, - we won’t be able to watch it
Unless you buy a new smartphone, - you won’t be able to contact me
The dinner … at 5 o’clock

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Our house (to destroy) … by the fire a long time ago”

She said she … there at 10 o’clock

He opened the door … to let her in

Add the missing word in sentence: “She is working a lot … as not to be poor”

Add the missing word in sentence: “That’s the cat … owner treats it badly!”

She wants … home today

She always needs some company, she hates being by …

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Dynamite (to invent) … by Alfred Bernhard Nobel”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:

1) When did you get this scar?
2) Last summer. I hate it!
3) What were you doing?
4) I was riding my bicycle and suddenly fell
If you feel depressed, you … better visit the doctor

You … bring your textbooks, you won’t probably need them

My doctor advised me … a rest

We don’t have … extra towels for the guests

… of the peaches are good enough to be used, they’re spoiled

… people don’t see the difference between us

Open the bra
ckets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Hardly (to be) … the park finished when we came there”
Голосование за лучший ответ
♡$ⴎG@r₱u₷sყ♡ Искусственный Интеллект (140495) 1 месяц назад

1. Gregory is highly enthusiastic **about** completing the tests.

2. Benedict Cumberbatch **is** a talented actor.

3. Диалог:
1) It’s a bit cold in here, don’t you think? May I close the window?
2) I agree, let’s do it. I will open the door instead.
3) What about turning on the conditioner instead of closing the door? In this case no one will hear us.
4) Is this such a confidential meeting? Okay then.

4. You were the first one **to ask** that question.

5. I need you to let me **do** that!

6. It’s so late, our neighbors **shouldn’t** make so much noise!

7. You can (to trust) **trust** me, that’s for sure.

8. He should (to cut) **cut** down on drinking so much sweetened tea.

9. Unless you want to be expelled, you have (to attend) **to attend** classes.

10. I (to give) **gave** you my number, I thought you might call.

11. If you touch hot water, you **will get** a burn.

12. If you (to close) **had closed** the door, our cat wouldn’t have run away.

13. Соедините части предложений:
- Unless you get an education, - you won’t find a good job.
- Unless you bake a cake, - we won’t be able to start a party.
- Unless you fix the TV, - we won’t be able to watch it.
- Unless you buy a new smartphone, - you won’t be able to contact me.

14. The dinner **is** at 5 o’clock.

15. Our house (to destroy) **was destroyed** by the fire a long time ago.

16. She said she **would be** there at 10 o’clock.

17. He opened the door **in order** to let her in.

18. She is working a lot **so** as not to be poor.

19. That’s the cat **whose** owner treats it badly!

20. She wants **to go** home today.

21. She always needs some company, she hates being by **herself**.

22. Dynamite (to invent) **was invented** by Alfred Bernhard Nobel.

23. Диалог:
1) When did you get this scar?
2) Last summer. I hate it!
3) What were you doing?
4) I was riding my bicycle and suddenly fell.

24. If you feel depressed, you **had** better visit the doctor.

25. You **don’t need to** bring your textbooks, you won’t probably need them.

26. My doctor advised me **to take** a rest.

27. We don’t have **any** extra towels for the guests.

28. **None** of the peaches are good enough to be used, they’re spoiled.

29. **Most** people don’t see the difference between us.

30. Hardly (to be) **was** the park finished when we came there.
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