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Помогите сделать английский срочно!!!Спасибо заранее

- Ученик (95), на голосовании 1 день назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
♡$ⴎG@r₱u₷sყ♡ Искусственный Интеллект (142503) 1 месяц назад
1. Danny and Pam **went** to the shopping mall every Sunday.

2. Lucy **finished** her homework 2 hours ago.

3. I always **did** my homework.

4. I **ate** a hamburger yesterday.

5. She often **drank** tea in the morning.

6. I **swam** in the sea last summer.

7. Mom **walked** the dog yesterday.

8. Children sometimes **washed** the dishes.

9. My friends **visited** me every day.

10. Rosy **wrote** the Math test 2 days ago.

11. We **did not (didn't) learn** the rule yesterday.

12. Sam **did not (didn't) read** every day.

13. Ruby and Rudy **did not (didn't) often walk** together.

14. Dan and Tom **did not (didn't) see** me 2 days ago.

15. He **did not (didn't) drive** the car on Sundays.

16. Mary **did not (didn't) buy** a house last year.

17. **Did** you **sing** a song yesterday?

18. **Did** children **wear** the uniform?

19. **Did** Robert usually **draw** well?

20. **Did** you **find** a teacher 2 lessons ago?

21. **Did** Perry **like** his parents?

22. **Did** William and Sally **meet** last weekends?
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