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Виктория Тарахнова Ученик (42), на голосовании 4 недели назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
снежа я Профи (750) 1 месяц назад
1. I didn't learn much French at school, but I learned a lot of Latin.
2. I remembered to buy the bread, but I forgot the milk.
3. I spoke to Alexia's father, but I didn't speak to her mother.
4. Peter didn't phone yesterday. Did he phone this morning?
5. I didn't take the bus to London; I took the train.
6. I know you went to Singapore, but did you go to Malaysia?
7. The train stopped at Edinburgh, but it didn't stop at Glasgow.
8. Did the children see a film? They saw two films.
9. I ate your cake! Did you eat my chocolates too?
10. I studied for the exam, but I didn't study enough.
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