Resurce InheiT
1 месяц назад
Задание 1: Артикли
No article essential systems improve air quality.
The industrial ventilation systems are designed for large spaces.
No article air conditioning can help remove humidity.
There is a difference between industrial and residential systems.
It is important to maintain these systems regularly.
No article regular maintenance includes cleaning filters.
No article efficient units save energy.
Задание 2: Предлоги
Ventilation systems work in large buildings.
Air quality is improved by proper ventilation.
Air conditioning helps with cooling spaces.
Filters should be checked during the maintenance.
Proper systems lead to a healthy environment.
Contaminants are removed from the air.
Homeowners can benefit from efficient air conditioning.
Задание 3: Модальные глаголы
Homeowners can use various methods for ventilation.
Industrial systems must maintain high efficiency.
Workers can/must control temperature and humidity.
You must/should check for leaks regularly.
Задание 4: There is/It is
There is a need for regular maintenance of systems.
It is imperative to choose the right system.
There are many factors to consider for efficiency.
There is also a significant difference between types of systems.
Задание 5: Present Simple
Air conditioning systems cool large spaces efficiently.
Homeowners use exhaust fans to ventilate their homes.
Industrial ventilation systems remove harmful gases from the air.
Regular maintenance ensures the efficiency of the systems.
Dummkopf Tags
1 месяц назад
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