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Lian Se Ученик (76), на голосовании 3 недели назад
Read a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Sarah. Give full answers to her questions. Ask three Wh-questions about her hike to the countryside.

My family believes that it's a good idea to make me earn money. The elders pay me and my siblings to do the housework. I try to save up and then I can afford to spend money on my needs. I usually buy something interesting, useful or tasty. When I go to the cinema or to the cafe, I buy the tickets and pay the bills myself. Sometimes I buy ice-cream, sweets or even pizzas. Where do you get your pocket money from? Do you earn it by doing the household chores or do your parents or grandparents give it to you regularly? What do you spend your pocket money on? Are you good with money?

Yesterday my classmates and I went on a hike.




Read the letter carefully. Внимательно прочитайте письмо.
Give full detailed answers to the questions. Then ask three Wh-questions about your pen-friend's hike. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы. Затем задайте три специальных вопроса о походе, который совершил ваш друг по переписке и его одноклассники.
Use active vocabulary to demonstrate your knowledge on the topic of the lesson. Pay attention to the spelling and grammar. Старайтесь использовать активную лексику, чтобы продемонстрировать знания по теме урока. Следите за орфографией и грамматикой.
For this task, you can get 21 points: 12 points for correct answers and 9 points for correct wh-questions. За данное задание вы можете получить 21 балл: 12 баллов за грамматически верные ответы на вопросы и 9 баллов за верно составленные специальные вопросы.
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