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Помогите с англ. Rewrite the sentences, replacing the bold words with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the list

Rina Ученик (131), на голосовании 3 недели назад
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Sladkiy Знаток (478) 1 месяц назад
Перепишите предложения, заменяя выделенные жирным шрифтом слова правильной формой фразовых глаголов в списке не благодари
Эвелина Мыслитель (8633) 1 месяц назад
1 I didn't buy any black trousers because they didn't have my size in stock. I didn't buy any black trousers because they were out of my size.
2 I've walked round to see what there is, but I haven't seen anything I want to buy. I but I haven't seen anything I want.
3 A lot of new phone shops are starting to do business in the city centre. A lot of new phone shops in the city centre.
4 Excuse me, where can I put on these jeans to see if they fit? Excuse me, where can I , these jeans?
5 The restaurant stopped trading after the health inspector's visit The restaurant after the health inspector's visit.
6 Hannah was trying to find a bikini, but she ended up with a swimsuit. Hannah a bikini, but she ended up with a swimsuit. ​
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (156582) 1 месяц назад
2 I have looked round..
3 are opening up
4 try on
5 closed down
6 was looking for
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