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Составить 6 предложений на английском чем завтракаешь,ужинаешь,обедаешь (в простом настоящем времени )

Кристина Аниченко Ученик (90), на голосовании 1 неделю назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
никому я не нужен... Просветленный (22717) 1 месяц назад
1. I have cereal and fruit for breakfast every morning.
2. I eat a sandwich or salad for lunch at work.
3. I usually have pasta or rice for dinner in the evening.
4. My favorite breakfast is eggs and toast with coffee.
5. For lunch, I often have a turkey sandwich with chips.
6. Dinner is usually grilled chicken or fish with vegetables.
Александ Гуру (2592) 1 месяц назад
  1. In regular days i eating for breakfast cup of tea with some cracked eggs with some salt on and on the final im eating a toast with butter .
  2. on the dinner i get some soup with bread and after finish that with cup of cold water.
На другое ыантазии не хватает
elfey ciklonov Мыслитель (7762) 1 месяц назад
I had porridge for breakfast today. I'll have soup for lunch. And I have nothing to eat for dinner :)
Yesterday I had a chance to taste a pear for breakfast. At lunch, I was lucky enough to enjoy a rich soup. And for dinner yesterday there were only crackers.

Переведено переводчиком яндекса .
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