Ильяс Сафаров
на голосовании
1 месяц назад
суть в том что когда пытаюсь поставить рут через мтк у меня пишет такая ошибка DAXFlash - [LIB]: ←[31mFilename doesn't exists: boot.patched, aborting flash write.←[0m Failed to write boot.patched to sector 264960 with sector count 8192. DAXFlash DAXFlash - [LIB]: ←[31mFilename doesn't exists: vbmeta.img.empty, aborting flash write.←[0m Failed to write vbmeta.img.empty to sector 73480 with sector count 2048.
DAXFlash - [LIB]: ←[31mFilename doesn't exists: boot.patched, aborting flash write.←[0m
Failed to write boot.patched to sector 264960 with sector count 8192.
DAXFlash - [LIB]: ←[31mFilename doesn't exists: vbmeta.img.empty, aborting flash write.←[0m
Failed to write vbmeta.img.empty to sector 73480 with sector count 2048.