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Вероника Зяблицкая Ученик (94), открыт 2 недели назад
1 ответ
Axeom Мастер (2266) 2 недели назад
Task 4.

16. If someone is in the doghouse... = E (they are in a situation when someone is annoyed with them)
17. If someone has given up the ghost... = A (they are dead)
18. If someone blows a fuse... = F (they are angry)
19. If someone has green fingers... = J (they are good at gardening)
20. If someone has butterflies in his/her stomach... = B (they are nervous)
21. If someone is a high flyer... = D (they rose quickly to an important position)
22. If someone is in the red... = C (they have a negative amount in bank balance)
23. If someone is a lone wolf... = G (they don't mix socially with other people)
24. If someone is a culture vulture... = K (they are interested in arts and culture in general)
25. If someone is down in the dumps... = I (they are unhappy)

Task 5.
Но это не точно, слова реальные, но может что-то пропустил.
1. the
2. there
3. he
4. her
5. here
6. ere
7. rein
8. in
9. er
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