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Помогите с английским пожалуйстааа

Анна Смирнова Ученик (139), открыт 1 неделю назад
2 ответа
Кирилл Шестаков Ученик (173) 1 неделю назад
Я уже сказал что нет
Анна СмирноваУченик (139) 1 неделю назад
Это другое
Кирилл Шестаков Ученик (173) Анна Смирнова, все равно не хочу
Данил Мустафин Знаток (273) 1 неделю назад
2) Mrs Smith had brought some fruit and vegetables by noon, hadn't she?
3) The second lesson didn't last long, did it?
4) The girl was singing a nice song when we entered, wasn't she?
5) The car had stopped before the policeman saw it, hadn't it?
6) Paul had been working with Ann for a year before she left, hadn't he?
7) Three guests hadn't arrived by 7 p.m., had they?
8) The sisters were looking for the keys when their mother came, weren't they?
9) The English teacher gave a lot of homework, didn't he/she?
10) Thousands of people were present at the match, weren't they?
11) Nancy had cooked dinner by 3 p.m., hadn't she?
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