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Spore ошибка помгите !!!

ИННА ВОЛОБУЕВА/ОТВОДЕНКО Знаток (342), на голосовании 9 лет назад
Значит играю я часа 2 наверно, вышел из игры потом захожу незаходит, потом увидел то type: ACCESS_VIOLATION writing address 0x00000000
address: 0x013af4c4 "E:\Spore\Sporebin\SporeApp.exe":0x0001:0x00fae4c4
Дополнен 9 лет назад
danil lykov Не помогло :(
Голосование за лучший ответ
daniil lykov Профи (525) 9 лет назад
I think I solved the problem. After seeing the problems I thought about access permissions. Then I just selected Spore folder, right clicked it and choose properties - security and added the everyone user with full access to this folder.
After I did this, my spore ran perfectly and did not presented problems anymore. I think that when somebody started spore as administrator, it would have the permissions on this folder, the same happening when you fresh install a new copy or install spore on another folder.
I hope this help you people.
My computer is a Dell Inspiron with Vista Home Premium and 2 GB memory. The game runs perfectly (at least for me).
Источник: офф форум spore,думаю переведёти сами
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