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маша бондар Ученик (140), на голосовании 9 лет назад
I was born in New York, one of most dangerous cities in the world. But now I live in Dublin, the friendliest city I ever went to.the longer I live here, the more I feel happy. Dublin is as most cities: it's noisy and dirty but very exciting. Of course,it has it's problems is getting more and more stressfuller. People don't have as much time to stop and talk than they did in the past. And the busier the city becomes, the more bad traffic problems gets. This means that the air is much polluted than it used to be. But I don't agree with people who say that countryside is just as exciting than the city. I love Dublin and I think living in the country must be the worse thing in the world
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tanick1974 Просветленный (36207) 9 лет назад
THE most, ITS problems, IT/THE LIFE is getting more and more STRESSFUL....
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