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даниил сарафанников Профи (844), закрыт 7 лет назад
Заполните текст глаголами в правильной форме (Past Simple or Past Continuous). Глаголы: do, draw, play, read, shine, sing, sit, watch. Текст : Yesterday the sun ...and the birds ...I ...outside and I ...a picture. My brother the garden. Mum and Dad ...anything special. I think Mum ...a book and Dad ...TV inside. Заранее спасибо!
Лучший ответ
Маргарита Марсо Гений (61850) 7 лет назад
Yesterday the sun was shining and the birds were singing. I was sitting outside and I was drawing a picture. My brother was playing in the garden. Mum and Dad werenʹt doing anything special. I think Mum was reading a book and Dad was watching TV inside.
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