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Reported Speech(переделать косвенную речь)

Раиля Валиуллина Знаток (412), закрыт 6 лет назад
Лучший ответ
Nadejda Blagodarnaya Искусственный Интеллект (443598) 6 лет назад
10. Patty said (that) they were getting... 9. Charlie said they had won...8.She promised to call me next day.
Остальные ответы
Дарья Окунева Ученик (180) 6 лет назад
1)The secretary said that my appointment was at 2 a m
3)Bill explaned that he was late because there had been a lot of traffic
5)Andrea asked have I stiil had a headage
8)She promised she would call me tomorrow
9)Charlie said they had won the final mach
10)Patty said that they were getting married in spring
Эдгар ХальзовУченик (79) 6 лет назад
Ира Ларина Профи (791) 6 лет назад
1)The secretary said that my appointment was at 2 a.m
2)He warned me not to step on that broken glass
3)Bill explained that he was late because there had been a lot of traffic
4)She talked me to look at those stratches on her arm
5)Andrea asked if I still had had a headache
6)The lifeguard talked them not to run near the pool
7)Passerby asked where the nearest bus stop was
8)She promised to call me the next day
9)Charlie said they had won the final match
10)Patty said they were getting married in spring
софья титова Знаток (271) 6 лет назад
10. Patty said (that) they were getting... 9. Charlie said they had won...8.She promised to call me next day.
1)The secretary said that my appointment was at 2 a.m
2)He warned me not to step on that broken glass
3)Bill explained that he was late because there had been a lot of traffic
4)She talked me to look at those stratches on her arm
5)Andrea asked if I still had had a headache
6)The lifeguard talked them not to run near the pool
7)Passerby asked where the nearest bus stop was
8)She promised to call me the next day
9)Charlie said they had won the final match
10)Patty said they were getting married in spring
Никита Лапин Знаток (433) 6 лет назад
10. Patty said (that) they were getting... 9. Charlie said they had won...8.She promised to call me next day.
1)The secretary said that my appointment was at 2 a.m
2)He warned me not to step on that broken glass
3)Bill explained that he was late because there had been a lot of traffic
4)She talked me to look at those stratches on her arm
5)Andrea asked if I still had had a headache
6)The lifeguard talked them not to run near the pool
7)Passerby asked where the nearest bus stop was
8)She promised to call me the next day
9)Charlie said they had won the final match
10)Patty said they were getting married in spring
Алексей Филатьев Ученик (164) 6 лет назад
1)The secretary said that my appointment was at 2 a m
3)Bill explaned that he was late because there had been a lot of traffic
5)Andrea asked have I stiil had a headage
8)She promised she would call me tomorrow
9)Charlie said they had won the final mach
10)Patty said that they were getting married in spring
Инна щелчкова Знаток (392) 6 лет назад
1)The secretary said that my appointment was at 2 a.m
2)He warned me not to step on that broken glass
3)Bill explained that he was late because there had been a lot of traffic
4)She talked me to look at those stratches on her arm
5)Andrea asked if I still had had a headache
6)The lifeguard talked them not to run near the pool
7)Passerby asked where the nearest bus stop was
8)She promised to call me the next day
9)Charlie said they had won the final match
10)Patty said they were getting married in spring
Александра Волк Ученик (84) 6 лет назад
Цель: подробное изучение развития анимации
Задачи: выяснить причины развития анимации и найти различия в современном и старом анимировании (рисовка, стиль, способы создания)
Указать на проблемы или недочёты в сфере анимирования
Актуальность: в современном мире мы можем наблюдать огромное кол-во мультсериалы. Их всегда можно увидеть на детских каналах, к тому же многие из нас в детстве видели какие-то мультфильмы. Однако сейчас мало кто интересуется происхождением и развитием анимации, и я, поскольку совсем недавно заинтересовался этим, решил подготовить именно эту тему проекта, ведь данная тема была также актуальна и во времена советского союза.

p.s. добавь ещё чего-нибудь или перефразируй
Владислав Большаков Знаток (264) 6 лет назад
1)сказал секретарь, что мое назначение было в 2.м
2)Он предупредил меня, чтобы не наступить на битое стекло
3)Билл объяснил, что он опоздал, потому что было много посещений
4)она говорила мне, чтобы посмотреть на тех, stratches по ней мышкой
5)Андреа спрашивает, есть ли у меня еще болела голова
6)спасатель говорил им, чтобы не работать рядом с бассейном
7)Прохожий спросил, где ближайшая автобусная остановка -
8)она пообещала позвонить мне на следующий день
9)Чарли сказал, что они победили в финальном матче
10)Пэтти сказала, что они собирались пожениться весной
Ваня Тарасов Знаток (336) 6 лет назад
1)The secretary said that my appointment was at 2 a m
3)Bill explaned that he was late because there had been a lot of traffic
5)Andrea asked have I stiil had a headage
8)She promised she would call me tomorrow
9)Charlie said they had won the final mach
10)Patty said that they were getting married in spring
ed er Профи (565) 6 лет назад
1)The secretary said that my appointment was at 2 a.m
2)He warned me not to step on that broken glass
3)Bill explained that he was late because there had been a lot of traffic
4)She talked me to look at those stratches on her arm
5)Andrea asked if I still had had a headache
6)The lifeguard talked them not to run near the pool
7)Passerby asked where the nearest bus stop was
8)She promised to call me the next day
9)Charlie said they had won the final match
10)Patty said they were getting married in spring1)The secretary said that my appointment was at 2 a.m
2)He warned me not to step on that broken glass
3)Bill explained that he was late because there had been a lot of traffic
4)She talked me to look at those stratches on her arm
5)Andrea asked if I still had had a headache
6)The lifeguard talked them not to run near the pool
7)Passerby asked where the nearest bus stop was
8)She promised to call me the next day
9)Charlie said they had won the final match
10)Patty said they were getting married in spring
7)Passerby asked where the nearest buss
8)She promised to call me the next day
9)Charlie said they had won the final matchv10)Patty said they were getting married in spring
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