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Илья Елисеев Ученик (104), закрыт 6 лет назад
1) A good point about something.

Один ответ:
a. benefit
b. advantage
c. perk
2)The land, water and air around us.

Один ответ:
a. environment
b. territory
c. area
3)I _____ him he wasn’t allowed to come in, but he said he had permission to enter

Один ответ:
a. said
b. told
c. asked
4)My teacher ___ that I should think about studying English at university

Один ответ:
a. said
b. told
c. asked
5)If I’m free on Saturday, I … go to the mountains

Один ответ:
a. will
b. didn't
c. would
6)The Hills managed to arrive exactly on time because they … a taxi

Один ответ:
a. were taking
b. had taken
c. took
Лучший ответ
Александр Борзых Мыслитель (7927) 6 лет назад
1) a. benefit
2) a. environment
3) b. told
4) a. said
5) a. will
6) b. had taken
Остальные ответы
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