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Use the verbs in the list in the present perfect to complete the sentences. Помогите пожалуйста?

777 Ученик (222), закрыт 2 года назад
take, try, visit, learn, go, win, fly
1. They ...a lot of museums so far.
2. Assel a Boeing 747 twice.
3. She play the piano.
4. We ...part in the competition twice.
5. He ...two gold medals so far.
6. I ...sushi once.
7. Damir and Berik the beach.
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (340667) 2 года назад
1. They HAVE VISITED a lot of museums so far.
2. Assel HAS FLOWN in a Boeing 747 twice.
3. She HAS LEARNED to play the piano.
4. We HAVE TAKEN part in the competition twice.
5. He HAS WON two gold medals so far.
6. I HAVE TRIED sushi once.
7. Damir and Berik HAVE GONE to the beach.
Остальные ответы
Alewtina Tolstopyatova Ученик (113) 6 лет назад
Дочь Посмотри тут, страница 334 ссылка: g d z s (точка) t k
Милена Милова Знаток (473) 6 лет назад
1.have visited 2.has flown 3.has learnt / learned 4. have taken 5.has won 6.have tried 8.have gone
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