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Пожалуйста, помогите с английским языком! Fill the gaps with articles if needed.

Netti Ученик (155), закрыт 6 лет назад
1) There is hardly ___ cloud in the sky.
2) Have you heardly seen ___ sun for a week?
3) We have harldy seen __ sun for a week.
4) I don't know how many stars there are in ___ Galaxy
5) People started travelling to __ space in the 20th century.
Лучший ответ
lina zin Гуру (4418) 6 лет назад
1) There is hardly __a_ cloud in the sky.
2) Have you heardly seen _the__ sun for a week?
3) We have harldy seen the__ sun for a week.
4) I don't know how many stars there are in _the__ Galaxy
5) People started travelling to _НЕТ_ space in the 20th century.
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