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Помогите первести предложения с русского на английский..

bama_ Ученик (212), закрыт 9 лет назад
Заранее спасибо, очень нужно правильно перевести.!! !

1.Его все время просят не оставлять инструмент в классе.
2.Эта симфония была сыграна великолепно.
3.Репетиции этого хора проводят 3 раза в неделю.
4.В нашем училище физику не преподают.
5.Перед спектаклем всем раздали либретто.
6.Ведущая роль была сыграла молодой красивой актрисой.
7.Ему дали хороший совет, и он им воспользовался.
8.В результате этой встречи ни один конткракт не был подписан.
9.известный дирижер был встреченштормом аплодисментов.
10.Эту песню поют каждый день в 9часов по радио.
11.Никто не знает кем и когда была написана эта опера.
12.В этом магазине музыкальные инстументы не продаются.
13.После спектакля артисту задали много вопросов.
14.Сколько аккордеонов в год производят на этом заводе?
15.Никто не хочет чтоб над ним смеялись.
16.Играйте как Вам говорят!
17.На прошлом занятии нам рассказывали о знаменитомпевце, а потом показали много интересных фотографий.
18.Ей пообещали хорошую работу после окончания училища.
19.Вчера моих родителей пригласили на концерт, но они не пошли.
20.Студентам велели остаться в зале и репетировать до двух часов.
21.Выступление этой балерины не обсуждалось на собрании.
22.Здание оперного театра в Одессе было построено в прошлом веке.
23.Наш преподаватель уехал в Англию, и с тех пор его не видели.
24.Он не был винове. За что его наказали?
25.В Украине Новый год празднуют дважды: 1 и 14 января.
26.Я часто опаздываю, но знаю что меня всегда ждут.
27.Детей привезли в театр на автобусе, а учителя пошли туда пешком.
28.Моей сестре на день рождения подарили скрипку.
29.Когда в вашем училище убирают классы? -Это делается когда они свободны.
30.Этот композитор родился более 100 лет назад.
31.Саксофон был изобретен бельгийским музыкантом в 1842 году, и сегодня на нем играют многие музыканты.
32.нам посоветовали купить билеты на этот концерт заранее.
33.В последнее время в нашей стране театры посещаются не очень часто.
34.Где и когда был проведен I Международный конкурс им. Чайковского?
35.Залы в театрах не убирают после каждого представления, и ничего не сделано, чтобы решить эту проблему.
Лучший ответ
Анабель Мудрец (15269) 15 лет назад
1. His(its) all time ask not to leave the instrument in class.
2. This symphony was played splendid.
3. The Rehearsals of this chorus conduct 3 times at week.
4. In our school physicist will not teach.
5. Before show all have distributed the libretto.
6. The Leadinging role was has played the young beautiful actress.
7. He give a good councel,and he used him.
8. As a result this meeting not a single конткракт was not signed.
9. known дирижер were an встреченштормом applause.
10. This canto sing each day in 9часов by radio.
11. Nobody does not know whom and when was written this opera.
12. In this shop music инстументы are not sold.
13. After show actor have assigned much questions.
14. How much accordions per annum produce on this plant?
15. Nobody does not want чтоб on he laughed.
16. Play as You speak!
17. On past occupation we told about знаменитомпевце, but have afterwards shown much interesting photographies.
18. She has promised get prettier work after completion school.
19. Yesterday, my parents have invited on concerto,but they will not go.
20. The Student велели remain in common-room and rehearse before two hours.
21. The Appearance of this ballerina was not discussed on meeting.
22. The Building of the opera house in Odessa was built in past age.
23. Our teacher has left in England,and thereafter his(its) did not see.
24. He was not винове. For that his(its) have punished?
25. In Ukraine New year celebrate twice: 1 and January 14.
26. I often am late,but know that I always wait.
27. Detey have brought to theatre on bus,but teacher will go there on foot.
28. My sister for birth day have presented the violin.
29. When in your school take away klassy?-is done when they free.
30. This composer was born more than 100 years back.
31. The Saxophone was изобретен belgian musician in 1842,and today on he plays many musicians.
32. we have advised to buy the tickets on this concerto beforehand.
33. In recently in our country theatres are visitted not much often.
34. Where and when was organized by I International contest to him.CHaykovskogo?
35. The Common-rooms in theatre do not take away after each presentation,and nothing be not made to solve this problem.

Остальные ответы
M-i-x-y__ Гуру (2893) 15 лет назад
О, о! А че так мало предложений? Было бы штук 10, то легко перевела бы, а так в лом)))
Анютка Рычкова Мудрец (15416) 15 лет назад

1. His ever asked not to leave tools in the classroom.
2. This symphony was brilliant.
3. Rehearsals of the choir conducted 3 times a week.
4. Our school does not teach physics.
5. Before the show all distributed libretto.
6. The leading role was played by a beautiful young actress.
7. He gave good advice, and he took advantage of them.
8. As a result of this meeting, no kontkrakt was not signed.
9. renowned conductor was vstrechenshtormom applause.
10. This song to sing every day in 9chasov on the radio.
11. No one knows whom and when the opera was written.
12. In that store music instumenty not for sale.
13. After the performance artist asked many questions.
14. How many accordions a year produced in this factory?
15. No one wants to over him laughing.
16. Play as you say!
17. At the last session we were told of znamenitompevtse, and he showed a lot of interesting photos.
18. She promised a good job after college.
19. Yesterday, my parents were invited to the concert, but they did not go.
20. Students told to stay in the room and rehearse for up to two hours.
21. Presentation of the ballerina was not discussed at the meeting.
22. The building of the Odessa Opera House was built in the last century.
23. Our teacher went to England, and since then he was not seen.
24. It was not vinove.Za that it punished?
25. In Ukraine, New Year is celebrated twice: 1 and 14 January.
26. I am often late but I know that I was always waiting.
27. Children are brought to the theater by bus, and teachers went there on foot.
28. My sister gave birth on the day of fiddle.
29. When cleaning your college classes?-This is where they are free.
30. This composer was born more than 100 years ago.
31. Saxophone was invented by a Belgian artist in 1842, and today it played many musicians.
32. we advised to buy tickets to this show in advance.
33. Recently in our country, theaters are not visited very often.
34. Where and when was I held the International Competition im.Chaykovskogo?
35. Rooms in theaters are not clean after each presentation, and nothing has been done to solve this problem.
WormWin32_troyan Гуру (3280) 15 лет назад
1. Its all time ask not to leave the tool in a class. 2. This symphony has been played perfectly well. 3. Rehearsals of this chorus spend 3 times a week. 4. In our school the physics do not teach. 5. Before performance by all have distributed the libretto. 6. The leading part was has played the young beautiful actress. 7. To it have given a piece of good advice, and it has taken advantage of it. 8. As a result of this meeting any конткракт has not been signed. 9. The known conductor was встреченштормом an applause. 10. This song sing every day in 9часов by radio. 11. Nobody knows whom and when this opera has been written. 12. In this shop musical инстументы are not on sale. 13. After performance to the actor have set many questions. 14. How many accordions in a year make at this factory? 15. Nobody wants that at it laughed. 16. Play as you speak! 17. On last employment to us told about знаменитомпевце, and have then shown many interesting photos. 18. To it have promised good work after the school termination. 19. Yesterday my parents have invited to a concert, but they have not gone. 20. To students ordered to remain in a hall and to rehearse till two o'clock. 21. Performance of this ballerina was not discussed at meeting. 22. The building of opera theatre in Odessa has been constructed in the last century. 23. Our teacher has left to England, and since then it did not see. 24. It was not винове. For what have punished it? 25. In Ukraine New year celebrate twice: on January, 1st and 14. 26. I often am late, but I know that always wait for me. 27. Children have brought to theatre by the bus, and teachers have gone there on foot. 28. To my sister on birthday have presented a violin. 29. When in your school clean classes? - It becomes when they are free. 30. This composer was born more 100 years ago. 31. The saxophone has been invented by the Belgian musician in 1842, and today it played by many musicians. 32. To us have advised to buy tickets for this concert in advance. 33. Recently in our country theatres are visited not so often. 34. Where and when I International competition of Tchaikovsky has been spent? 35. Halls at theatres do not clean after each representation, and is made nothing to solve this problem.
Алексей Гуру (2713) 15 лет назад
1. His(its) all time ask not to leave the instrument in klasse.
2. This symphony was played by velikolepno.
3. The Rehearsals of this chorus conduct 3 times in nedelyu.
4. In our school physicist not prepodayut.
5. Before show all have distributed libretto.
6. The Leadinging role was has played young beautiful aktrisoy.
7. He give a good councel,and he him vospolizovalsya.
8. As a result this meeting not a single конткракт was not podpisan.
9. known дирижер were an встреченштормом aplodismentov.
10. This canto sing each day in 9часов on radio.
11. Nobody does not know whom and when was written this opera.
12. In this shop music инстументы not prodayutsya.
13. After show actor have assigned much voprosov.
14. How much accordions per annum produce on this plant?
15. Nobody does not want чтоб on him smeyalisi.
16. Play as You speak!
17. On past occupation we told about знаменитомпевце, but have afterwards shown much interesting fotografiy.
18. She has promised get prettier work after completion uchilischa.
19. Yesterday, my parents have invited on concerto,but they not
Никита Гоголь Ученик (102) 3 года назад
Мой самый лучший день это моё день рождения на нём я могу поиграть с друзьями и и получить подарки
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