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Святослав Мастер (1775), закрыт 6 лет назад
What have you learned about medieval life?

1. How was the life of a village organized?

2. Was the life of a lady easy?

3. How did people treat diseases?

4. What kind of entertainment did they have?
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (345546) 6 лет назад
1) Village Life in the Middle Ages: Self-Sufficiency
Medieval village life during the Middle Ages was self-sufficing. Perhaps the most striking feature of medieval village life was its self- sufficiency. The inhabitants tried to produce at home everything they required, in order to avoid the uncertainty and expense of trade. The land gave them their food; the forest provided them with wood for houses and furniture. They made their own clothes of flax, wool, and leather. Their meal and flour were ground at the village mill, and at the village smithy their farm implements were manufactured. The chief articles which needed to be brought from some distant market were salt, used to salt down farm animals killed in autumn, iron for various tools, and millstones. Cattle, horses, and surplus grain also formed common objects of exchange between manors.

2) Medieval women
Medieval women invariably had a hard time in an era when many men lived harsh lives. A few women lived comfortable lives but Medieval society was completely dominated by men and women had to know 'their place' in such a society.

3) Medicine in the Middle Ages
Middle Ages Medicine was extremely basic in an era when terrible illnesses such as the Black Death were killing nearly one third of the population. Medicine was limited. Physicians had no idea what caused the terrible illnesses and diseases. The Catholic Church believed that illnesses were a punishment from God for sinful behaviour. Letting blood was conducted by cupping or leeches. There were no Antibiotics during the Middle Ages and it was almost impossible to cure illness and diseases without them. Medicines in the Middle Ages were made from herbs, spices and resins. The medicine was applied in drinks, pills, washes, baths, rubs, poultices, purges and ointments.

4) Entertainment in the Middle Ages
Types of Medieval Entertainment varied according to status but included feasts, banquets, jousts and tournaments, Mystery Plays, fairs, games and sports, hunting, hawking, animal entertainment using dogs, bears and monkeys.

Entertainment in the Middle Ages - Holidays and Festivals
The monotony of Medieval daily life during the Middle ages was alleviated by the various types of entertainment, festivals and holidays. The Medieval people of the Middle Ages shared a common life in the work of the fields, in the sports of the village green, and in the services of the parish church. They enjoyed many holidays; it has been estimated that, besides Sundays, about eight weeks in every year were free from work. Festivities at Christmas, Easter, and May Day, at the end of ploughing and the completion of harvest, relieved the monotony of the daily round of labor.
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