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Английский. Составить 10 примеров с выделенными фразами из текста

fsafsafsa Ученик (159), на голосовании 5 лет назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
Marie Ella Мудрец (11600) 5 лет назад
Просто свои предложения составить с выделенными словами? Не относящиеся к тексту?
Teacher training explains the teacher's role in the classroom as well as their duties and responsibilities.
The girl is used to being the centre of attention. She's really egocentric.
Giving lessons is hard work but it's also extremely rewarding.
Every teacher should use supplementary learning materials. They shouldn't follow the textbook blindly.
As a teacher I do my best to meet the needs and interests of each child in the classroom. However, it's not always possible, given there are 35 students in each class.
Presenting a new lesson requires a lot of preparation. One can't simply walk into the classroom and start explaining.
Does the website provide the information necessary for the parents to check on their children's progress?
Modern equipment in the biology lab enables children to investigate and record various processes in the living cells.
We teach our students to work independently. They should be able to research into a topic themselves.
Our goal is to reduce adult intervention to an absolute minimum. The children should learn by themselves as much as they can.
Этого достаточно или со всеми выражениями составить?
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