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aituar karabaev Ученик (106), закрыт 4 года назад
на тему coca-cola
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Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (332210) 4 года назад
The Coca-Cola Company is a soft-drink manufacturer and international conglomerate whose red sign is one the most recognized corporate symbols in the world. Coca-Cola was invented on May 8, 1886, by pharmacist John Styth Pemberton, in Atlanta, Georgia. The product was purchased by Asa G. Candler in 1891, who built the enterprise into a national firm. Coca-Cola was sold originally as syrup to soda fountains and bottling franchises began about 1894.
Coca-Cola is the most preferred brand in the world and is available worldwide. The goal of the Coca-Cola Company
is to be the world’s leading supplier of branded beverages solutions, to provide a consistent and profitable growth and to have the highest quality of products and processes. Commercials for Coca-Cola is fundamentally based on the young generation. It is the target market of Coca-Cola because they want to represent Coke with youth and energy, also the older generation are their co-target market.
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