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проблема с Hearts of Iron 4 выдаёт ошибку paradox launcher v2 setup wizard ended prematurely, как исправить?

Ян Огнев Ученик (153), закрыт 5 лет назад
Лучший ответ
Никнейм Мастер (1177) 5 лет назад
Sorry you are having this, rather frustrating, issue. Let's see what we can do to identify and, hopefully, solve this.

First, let's start with a clean install of the game. Even if you have already done this before now, make sure you do it now following these instructions:

Go to your .../Documents/Paradox Interactive/{Game Name} Folder (The {Game Name} = the name of the paradox game, IE Hearts of Iron IV or Europa Universlis IV ETC.)
Move your save game folder outside of this directory, such as to the desktop, to temporary save it
Unsubscribe from all mods
Right click the game in the Steam Library
Go to properties
Go to the BETAs tab
Ensure opt out is selected from the dropdown
Select close
Right click game in the Steam Library
Select Uninstall
Uninstall Paradox Launcher v2 from the Windows "Apps and features" (Win 10/8/8.1) or "Programs and Features" (Win 7) utility, if still present.
Go to your game's previous install location folder (normally ...\steam\steamapps\common\)
Delete the folder with the game's name as the folder's name if a folder exists there
Go to C:\Users\NAME\Documents\Paradox Interactive
Delete the folder with the game's name as the folder's name if a folder exists there
Delete your C:/users//AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/ folder if it exists
Delete your C:/users//AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/ folder if it exists
Delete your C:/users//AppData/Roaming/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/ folder if it exists
Restart Computer
Install the game (If possible, make sure you install the game outside the 'C:\Program Files\' or 'C:\Program Files (x86)\' folders, as it can cause issues with permissions)
In the games install folder run launcher-installer-windows.msi
During installation change the install path to your steam install location
Add the game's .exe, the steam.exe, and the dowser.exe (if it exists in the games's install folder) to the exceptions list/white list of your antivirus app
Go into Windows Defender Security Center -> Virus & Threat Protection -> Virus & Threat Protection settings and allow the steam.exe, the game's .exe, and the dowser.exe (if it exists in the games's install folder) files through via Allow an app through controlled folder access
Set both steam.exe, the game's .exe, and dowser.exe (if it exists in the games's install folder) to run as the Windows Administrator user in the .exe properties (Windows 10 only)
Shut down computer completely and Start Computer back up (It is important that you do not just do another computer restart and you do a shut down and then manually start the computer back up)
Start the game with no mods active and test
If it fails to launch try and run the game's .exe file in the install folder (NOT the dowser.exe). (This will bypass the launcher and try and run the game directly)
If there are no issues you can now move the save game folder back into place
Test game
If there are still no issues you can re-subscribe to mods slowly and test as you do so.

If the clean install doesn't solve your problem then let's continue with gathering some more information.
Boy Next DoorУченик (140) 3 года назад
не ну красава, написал эту огромную хуетень на англиском, хотя вопрос на русском
Никнейм Мастер (1177) Boy Next Door, всегда пожалуйста), я лишь скопировал обращение от самой техподдержки парадоксов. Не нравится ответ - не делай как там говорят :)
Остальные ответы
Павел Черненко Знаток (310) 5 лет назад
Найди файл HOI4.exe в папке с игрой и запусти от имени администратора
Ян ОгневУченик (153) 5 лет назад
пробывал запускает обычную игру без модов, но так неинтересно
Кирилл ФедоренкоЗнаток (362) 4 года назад
Лично у меня была проблема с игрой Cities Skylines. Помогло через панель управления удалить парадокс лаунчер, затем через стим запускаю игру, она сама устанавливает парадокс и всё работает
StepkaaaУченик (233) 4 года назад
А где найти hoi4.exe?
Stepkaaa, в папке с игрой же)
Александр АлександровУченик (113) 4 года назад
Вот именно
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