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Помогите с домашкой по англ яз надо ответить true/false

раша мощь Ученик (177), на голосовании 3 года назад
Read the test and mark the sentences True or False.

My room is the place where I spend most of my time when I am at home. It is quite lot and has room lot of light. The walls are light blue and bright curtains hanging over the window add colour to the room. I use my room both for studying and as a bedroom. There is a large desk at the window. There is a laptop on the desk ) a bookshelf full of textbooks above it. Here I do my homework, prepare for tests and exams, surf the Internet, play computer games or watch movies. I have a special wall in my room where I keep my collection of stuffed toys. They rest on several shelves.

The room is used only as a study. (True/False)

The room is big and light. (True/False)

There are a lot of toys in the room. (True/False)

There is a working table in the room. (True/False)
Голосование за лучший ответ
Joseph Гений (65008) 3 года назад
Read the test and mark the sentences True or False.

My room is the place where I spend most of my time when I am at home. It is quite lot and has room lot of light. The walls are light blue and bright curtains hanging over the window add colour to the room. I use my room both for studying and as a bedroom. There is a large desk at the window. There is a laptop on the desk ) a bookshelf full of textbooks above it. Here I do my homework, prepare for tests and exams, surf the Internet, play computer games or watch movies. I have a special wall in my room where I keep my collection of stuffed toys. They rest on several shelves.

The room is used only as a study. (False)

The room is big and light. (True)

There are a lot of toys in the room. (True)

There is a working table in the room. (True)
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