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Игорь Шмальц Знаток (330), закрыт 3 года назад
Complete the dialogue with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs given.
Jane:Hi Ellie! What are you doing here?
Ellie:Oh, I (2) …………………….………… (come)here every
Friday for a dance class. It’s really good exercise.
What about you?
Jane:I (3) …………………….………… (wait) for my brother. He’s having a swimming lesson at the moment.
Ellie:Really? (4) …………………….………… (he/swim) in competitions?
Jane:No, he doesn’t. He swims for fun. Have you got time to come with me to the café?
Ellie:No, sorry. My class (5) …………………….………… (start) now so I have to go!
Лучший ответ
Лида Высший разум (112450) 3 года назад
Complete the dialogue with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs given.
Jane:Hi Ellie! What are you doing here?
Ellie:Oh, I (2) come here every
Friday for a dance class. It’s really good exercise.
What about you?
Jane:I (3) am waiting for my brother. He’s having a swimming lesson at the moment.
Ellie:Really? (4) Does he swim in competitions?
Jane:No, he doesn’t. He swims for fun. Have you got time to come with me to the café?
Ellie:No, sorry. My class (5) is starting now so I have to go!
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