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Пришло сообщение От кого: Радиада Нартова <>

Мощенок Анатолий Ученик (97), закрыт 15 лет назад
Пишет, что мой почтовый ящик оказался 1 355 355 м участником системы Мы сердечно плабодарим Вас за пользование почтой и в честь 10 летнего юбилея я от получаю денежный бонус 251 рубль 81 коп. Для получения этой суммы мне необходимо отправить бесплатный смс на номер 4161!!! и приписка: С надеждой на долгое сотрудничество команда портала!!!
Это мне кажется спам? Так это?
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aziatka Мудрец (13773) 15 лет назад
Четырёхзначные номера - все коммерческие, отправка тебе дороговато обойдётся, это точно, да и бонус вшивенький, ну что это за сумма, смешно такую сумму кому-то предлагать.. .
А я удостоилась чести получить письмо вот такого содержания от неизвестного мне адресата.
Please i hope you would not be embarassed by this. actually i am a german, who got married to a nigerian man 5 years ago, that was in 2004. My husband is someone that can be described as rich when he was alive. he was well acquainted with business and thus had several companies which include ABOMAR gas and oil limited, andy best trransporting agencies as well as a large palm plantation. infact upon my husbands death am estimation of his asset was $6.2MILLION.inaddition to the liquid cash which is about $3.6million in the bank. please you have to know that consequent upon my husbands death, his
family members gathered and are threating to strip me of all the financial earnings despite the fact that our marriage was contracted under the required statutory of the act which specifies that upon the death of the husband the wife shall inherit all the belongings of the deceased husband. please, i want you to help me so as to tranfer the raw cash into an account before the family members come up with whatever africanism ideas
the have. please i urgently require your help.please contact me immediately. I strongly beleive i can bank on you. Please you can write me through Please you can contact Mr. charles Marbury. He is the head of foreign affairs. If you require further information his number is +234-8057427270. Lots Of Love OLGA HEINRICH DUMGA
TATIANA Знаток (286) 15 лет назад
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