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Combine the two sentences into one.

Kitsune Takagi Гуру (2951), на голосовании 1 год назад
1. He studied English. He is glad of it.
2. I work with her. I am happy about it.
3. She’s coming home. She is glad of it.
4. We are working on this project now. We are glad of it.
5. Usually I am not allowed togo there. I am sorry about it.
6. I was asked to translate that difficult text. I am glad of it.
7. I apologized before her. I am happy about it.
8. We were ordered to leave the hall. We are sorry about it.
9. She’s been teaching English all these years. She’s glad of it.
10. He was not asked to participate in the conference. I am sorry about
Голосование за лучший ответ
Неважно Профи (866) 1 год назад
  1. He studied English and is glad of it.
  2. I work with her and am happy about it.
  3. She's coming home and is glad of it.
  4. We are working on this project now and are glad of it.
  5. I am usually not allowed to go there and am sorry about it.
  6. I was asked to translate that difficult text and am glad of it.
  7. I apologized before her and am happy about it.
  8. We were ordered to leave the hall and are sorry about it.
  9. She's been teaching English all these years and is glad of it.
  10. He was not asked to participate in the conference and I am sorry about it.
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (150234) 1 год назад
1. He studied English. He is glad of it. -He is glad of having studied English.
2. I work with her. I am happy about it. -I am happy about working with her.
3. She’s coming home. She is glad of it. -She is glad of coming home. ТАК? Образца нет.
4. We are working on this project now. We are glad of it.
5. Usually I am not allowed togo there. I am sorry about it.
6. I was asked to translate that difficult text. I am glad of it.
7. I apologized before her. I am happy about it.
8. We were ordered to leave the hall. We are sorry about it.
9. She’s been teaching English all these years. She’s glad of it.
10. He was not asked to participate in the conference. I am sorry about
Kitsune TakagiГуру (2951) 1 год назад
Образцов в задании нет, только само задание. Первые 3 похожи на те, что нужны, а остальные - просто повтор начального текста. Можно и их переделать по аналогии с превыми тремя?
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (150234) Kitsune Takagi, а я и не делала остальные
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